Knitted Bookworm

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mad dash update!

Since it's been sooooooo long since I've posted, here's the warp speed update...
Oct. 07-Football weekends...Go DAWGS!

Nov. 07-Ditto!
Dec. 07-family from the Pacific Northwest visit for the holidays. Much knitterly talk transpires, as well as snuggling with the grandsons, and the newest member of the family, courtesy of daughter #2.

Jan. 08-It's been too long ago to remember!
Feb. 08-You know that short term memory is the first thing to go!
Mar. 08-Spring Break trip with my traveling buddy to Barcelona and Madrid. Wow is the only word for it. Managed to visit 2 yarn shops, too. Top pic is Barcelona...notice Clapotis in window...bottom is Madrid (not actually open, it was Good Friday).

Apr. 08-Stressful time at school - achievement tests for everybody.
May 08-School's out! Garden tour at our house...lots of weeding time!

June 08-Wonderful trip to the beach with family...homemade ice cream, watermelon, and the Gulf of Mexico.

July 08-Well, that's now, so next post will be a few things I'm working on (before school starts AGAIN the first week in Aug.).